Roi Nu is a member of Windsor Park Baptist Church and is nominated by Windsor Park Baptist Church.

I have a strong passion to help and support women who come from different backgrounds and cultures, and I hope that my own experience will help them to see the big picture of God’s plan for lives.

Roi Nu brings oodles of pastoral gifts and abilities, with a caring and empathetic heart to all people.

Roi Nu has been a campus pastor for over 5 years, working autonomously in a leadership position in a local church. She this brings great experience to the women’s board as a pastoral leader.

Roi Nu is a current registered pastor with a caring and intelligent approach to ministry.

The leadership of Windsor Park supports Roi Nu’s nomination.

Get to know Roi Nu:

I was born in the small village of ‘Lagan’ in the northern part of Shan State in Myanmar. I have eleven siblings (8 boys and 3 girls). I grew up in a Christian Boarding School and became a Christian in my second year of high school. Since then, my Christian faith has been a central part of my life. After I finished high school, I went to Mandalay University where I completed a Bachelor of Science (Physics) and moved to Malaysia.  By the grace of God I was able to come to New Zealand with my sister as a refugee in 2008.

I became aware that God was calling me into ministry to His people and so in 2012 I decided to commence study at Carey Baptist College. During my time at Carey, I was exposed to a variety of local churches through fieldwork and gained considerable insight into denominational leadership. I enjoy preaching, pastoring, caring, and connecting with people and I have had wide experience in doing this, particularly in a cross-cultural setting and through various forms of social networking. I am very comfortable relating to people from all walks of life (different ages, ethnicities and outlook) and I have a strong passion to help people who are disadvantaged and marginalized, e.g. the disabled, voiceless, homeless and refugees. This is locally and globally.

Although I come from a complementarian (Southern Baptist) background, I am becoming increasing egalitarian because I believe God gives women spiritual gifts, which are not simply limited to serving other women, but are given for all. However, there are many women in the world who do not know about this good news, so I am keen to see the local church support women in leadership and to work together for the glory of God regardless of ones gender, age and cultural background. I believe that we ‘men and women’ are equally valued in God’s sight and in His plan.

I completed Pastoral Leadership Training at Carey in 2017 and a Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Theology in 2019. I have been one of the pastors at Windsor Park Baptist Church for almost 6 years. I look after the Waiheke Campus, and I love my role!