Registrations are now closed. A restricted number of last minute tickets are available.Community Impact Day tickets are still available.
Early bird prices will be available until Monday 4 September 2023. After this date, an additional $20 will be added to the registration prices. Registrations close on 10 October 2023. Only limited last minute registrations will be accepted after this date.
Option 1
Full Hui | $250 early bird rate / $270 after 4 September (incl GST) (Voting and non-voting).
Restricted numbers of last minute tickets are available for $290 incl GST.
This price includes the full programme from the pōwhiri on Thursday through to the final session on Saturday.
Option 2
Thursday, 2 November (day only) | $160 / $180 after 4 September (incl GST)
This includes the Thursday programme commencing with the pōwhiri through to the end of the evening.
Option 3
Friday, 3 November (day only) | $160 / $180 after 4 September (incl GST)
This includes the Friday programme commencing at 8.45am through to the end of the evening.
Option 4
Saturday, 4 November (day only) | $120 / $140 after 4 September (incl GST)
This will include the Saturday programme commencing at 8.45am through to the end of the event.
Bonus Events (registration required)
11am Tuesday 31 October – 9am Thursday 2 November | Cost: $100
Location: Camp Maynard, 101 Paremoremo Road, Lucas Heights, Auckland
Accommodation for Tuesday and Wednesday nights is included.
BYM Hui 2023 will be a couple of days of whakawhanaungatanga, discussion, prayer, delicious food and fun. The hope is that this time will help shape the priorities for BYM over the next 3 years. Whether you are fresh into youth ministry or you remember the good old days, all are welcome!
Chaplains Day
Wednesday, 1 November 9am-5pm | Cost: $50
Manukau City Baptist Church
This is a special day set aside for Chaplains from across the Baptist movement to gather, to share together, tell stories, pray, discuss issues and receive input directly related to chaplaincy. We’ll laugh together for sure, we may shed tears.
We have two outstanding key note guests coming to be with us for the day, a husband and wife team.
Jeremy Baker has long experience as a GP with special interest in mental health and links to theology. He has completed a Masters degree through Laidlaw, and is currently completing a PhD thesis through the University of Aberdeen, looking at trauma through a theological lens.
Jeremy’s topic will be “Soul Recovery, how to address trauma in the community.”
Yvie Baker worked for many years with communication disorders then earned post graduate degrees in History before completing a PhD thesis through Otago University’s Theology Department. She researches and writes about the influential new theological beliefs emerging within evangelical churches worldwide.
Her topic will be, “How Much Does Truth Matter? Reshaping Christianity in the 21st century and how it affects us all.”
Mission Day
Wednesday, 1 November 9.30am-4pm | Cost: $35
Manukau City Baptist Church
Mission Day is about updates on our mission work, highlights and struggles, global team and project stories, prayer together and creative opportunities to learn from each other and connect with God’s mission in fresh ways. Last year we had a lot to say about a reshaping of our mission as Arotahi. This year we want to talk about progress made over the last 12 months and invite feedback, input and prayer.
Community Impact Day
Wednesday, 1 November 9am-4pm | Cost: $40
Location: Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga, 97 Glendale Road, Glen Eden
Cost includes return Bus from Manukau City Baptist and lunch as part of Glen Eden Baptist Community Lunch ‘Te Kapu’.
If you are wanting to develop the community ministries within your church, this year’s Community Ministries Day is not to be missed. The day will provide an opportunity to share about new, growing, and established community ministries that exist within Aotearoa Baptist whānau, and to learn how to take the next step in your community ministries.
Facilitated by Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga – a large West Auckland trust established by Glen Eden Baptist Church – the day will explore a range of topics including our commitments to honouring Te Tiriti, ways of responding to local housing needs, mana-to-mana practice in food support initiatives and developing appropriate cultural practices within our community ministries.
Featuring keynote sessions from Charles Hewlett & Michael Rhodes alongside panel discussions and interactive sessions including Visionwest Whakakitenga representatives: Lisa Woolley CE, Brook Turner Head of Service Developments and Partnerships, Fred Astle Head of Māori Service Development and Gary Grut, Senior Pastor Glen Eden Baptist Church.
Women’s Breakfast
Friday, 3 November 7.00am | Cost: $25
Sutherland Lecture Breakfast
Saturday, 4 November 7.00am | Cost: $30
Photos/Video Footage
During the Hui, photos and video footage will be taken. Unless you advise us otherwise, your registration for the conference implies permission for us to use the photos and videos for publicity, promotional or instructional purposes, including uploading to the internet.
For covid related refunds, a full refund will be given.
For all other refunds requested after 11 October 2023, a $50 cancellation fee will be charged.