This year, on the 16thOctober 2021, 14 of the ladies from Auckland’s Ormiston Community Baptist Church joined together for our Day of Prayer zoom meeting. In the current situation, where we cannot meet in person, it was wonderful to be able to connect anyway, using the available technology. We have all had to improve our IT skills in the process...
We went through the program outlined in the brochure provided by the ‘Baptist World Alliance Women’. In keeping with this year’s theme “Courageous life”, Marguerite Carter spoke to us about ‘Courage’, and Doreen Poh took us through the 4 projects we fundraise for this year. Then we went on to pray for some of the world’s continents and nations mentioned in the brochure. We are such an ethnically diverse group, that we could delegate ladies to pray for areas with which they have a connection. It makes the prayers so much more heart-driven.
We hope to be able to meet in person next year.
Malika, Doreen, Marguerite – Leadership team