In our Baptist family stories, we discover gospel renewal happening when action accompanies faith. Julie Osborn, pastor at Connect Baptist Church in Manukau, shares how action sparks relationships in their neighbourhood. This story was first published in the Northern Baptist Association July 2022 newsletter.
Since the lockdown ended, we have been trying different ways to show the love and joy of Christ in our neighbourhood. On July 16, we had our first community working bee. We wanted to help the sick, the elderly or those less-abled. We advertised in Manukau Grapevine and Neighbourly. A Hindu man responded to the ad. He had just had a lung removed for cancer and was having chemotherapy, and needed trees topped, and gardens weeded. Eight of us worked on the property. This simple action has started a relationship. I was able to ask this man all about the Hindu idols in his home and learnt much about Hinduism. He and his wife are coming to our next monthly shared lunch and church service. Community working bees are such an easy way to share Christ’s love with our neighbours.