Baptist churches around the country are inviting their congregants to wear pyjamas to church on Sunday, 16 April 2023, for a gold coin donation.
The annual Baptist Pyjama Sunday is an opportunity for churches to pause and reflect on the almost 3,000 hours we each spend asleep during the year.
With this event unable to go ahead during the last three years due to COVID-19, we are excited to bring this dynamic event back for 2023.
Funds from donations can be sent to the Baptist National Support Centre, with money raised from Pyjama Sunday 2023 going toward supporting whānau recovering from Cyclone Gabrielle.
This year’s theme for Pyjama Sunday is ‘Are you sleepwalking in your faith?’. The scripture passage focus is 1 Samuel 3: God calls to Samuel. Are you listening and ready to respond when God calls you, or are you sleepwalking in your faith? Pyjama Sunday will challenge you to think about what your response might look like when God calls.
Your church may like to get creative in celebrating Pyjama Sunday. Some ideas for how you can celebrate Pyjama Sunday in your church include:
> Breakfast before church services
> Popcorn during the sermon (or a movie evening on Saturday night – with popcorn and pyjamas)
> Removing chairs and inviting people to bring pillows and blankets to church services
> Intergenerational service with older members reading bedtime story books with children
> Pyjama donation drive for local charity (clean or new pyjamas only please)
> And don’t forget to wear pyjamas!
Will you join us for Pyjama Sunday 2023?
The resources below have been provided or suggested by the National Support Centre to help churches celebrate Pyjama Sunday 2023 in their churches.
> Video for Sermon illustration: Never gonna give you up
> PowerPoint Template (Font: DK Brushzilla)
> Children’s Ministry Lesson – God calls to Samuel (from Ministry to Children)
Catharina Siraa is a member of Royal Oak Baptist Church, living and working in Maungakiekie, Tāmaki Makarau, where she is the Administration Advisor at the National Support Centre, supporting churches through policy and compliance support.
Image credit: Catharina Sirra