This week we are called to prayer by our women who lead us each day in a prayer that is both filmed and written. From 18-25 June 2023 tune in for prayers on: openness to God, cultural inclusion, those suffering loss and grief, those under pressure to conform, women of Carey Baptist College, relationships, Baptist women in positions of leadership, and people who have ceased attending church.

Get daily Baptist NZ app notifications of these prayers by turning on the u2018Prayer or devotional contentu2019 notification in app u2018settingsu2019. Or follow along on Facebook. Please consider sharing these daily prayers on your local church Facebook pages.

Thank you to Baptist Women New Zealand who have called us to pray.


Helen Brereton, Transition Pastor for the Baptist Union of New Zealand, prays for the women of Carey Baptist College. Listen to Helen pray in this video, or read the text below:

Father God who birthed us, Jesus who gathers us, Holy Spirit who hovers over us - I ask favour for the women of Carey Baptist College.
Her female staff, Lord I bless you for their compassion, their many gifts and the wisdom they share so generously with all who come to learn. I thank you for the years of study and training which now are a blessing to many.
And for Careyu2019s female students:
Those who are thriving in their learning.
Those who are facing self-doubt and criticism.
Those for whom English is a second or even third language.
And for all those times when family demands, work and emotional labour steal energy and enthusiasm for study.
Lord, be not still. Do not restrain yourself on their behalf, but cry out! Gasp and pant over them so any darkness is made light, and any rough patches are made smooth.

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